Last night I was sitting around pondering life and how things change. There were so many things I have always said I would do yet it seems that time just continues to escape me. If you sense a smidgen of guilt in my voice you are right. Our second bean isn't even here yet and I already feel as though I have neglected him. When I was pregnant with Haley I posted every few weeks about what was going on, the progress we were making, and about how excited we were for her arrival. I have written one post about Buskirk bean 2! Bad mommy. I have often wanted to post but the time slipped through my hands and I never got it done. So....I am going to try better for the bean 2 starting now!
I am 32 weeks pregnant which puts the baby just shy of 4 lbs, or for those visual learners, a average sized jicama (it is a root vegetable - I had to google it).
At my last appointment on the 6th everything looked great and he is right on target with his growth. I have to go every two weeks from this point on so hopefully I will have more details next week. My blood pressure is still normal and I haven't experienced any real swelling so maybe I will scoot through these last several weeks without too much discomfort. By this time with Haley I looked like a balloon! We have our final ultrasound set for February 3rd...I promise to put up pictures!
Everything at the house is going great. After moving Haley to her big girl room we primed and prepped her old room to go blue. We are still deciding on a wall color but I have already purchased bedding and started stocking up on clothes and diapers. It is amazing what all you realize you can do without the second go round. Did I really ever need, or use, that sleep positioner and baby massage lotion? :) And at the same time the things you absolutely must have. I started making some new handmade baby items for the bean 2...burp cloths, towels, room decor. It is pretty slow going but I am confident I will get it all done by his arrival. I can hardly believe it is just 8 weeks away! I can't wait, even though Haley might disagree.
I guess that will be it for this post. If I am feeling peppy tonight maybe I will get a picture of my 8 month baby belly so I will have something to gross you guys out with in the next post. Thanks for listening and helping to ease my second baby guilt.
(disclaimer...If I don't post again till his birthday please do not judge. Haha.)
4 Inch Snowfall in Pearland, Texas
5 hours ago