Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Buskirk Bloopers

I have been so camera happy since I got my new camera. I am constantly snapping photos! During this mania I have caught some really great moments...and also some not so great moments. This post is dedicated to those not so great moments. The ones that I typically like to sweep under the rug and forget about. The ones that bring out large amounts of mocking and ridicule from our friends and family. Here's to enjoying a good laugh on us...
She is even cute when she looks like this. Hehe. She has her mommy's photo taking face...I am so proud.
This one is just upsetting cause Haley didn't warn me. She sees poppy coming and not even a nudge or "hey mom watch out".
Hilarous. Too many funny things to count: I look like a complete bitch, I am unknowingly flipping off the picture taker, I am stealing cake from my crying baby, etc, etc, etc. Haha. Infamous.
Only picture I have of my husband crying. He says he got something in his eye but we were never able to retrieve it. He was probably thinking of our wedding day, or Haley's birth, he is so sensitive.
Love the scrunched up face. Again, how cute is my spawn...freaking ridiculously cute!

Hahahahahahappy Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing such a great job with your blog... it is so entertaining and as in all good writing.. it opens up the reader to your personal thought and feelings.