1. Following with the gross theme I have had going for a few weeks...I had my first dental cleaning in three years on Tuesday. It is so ridiculous that it took me this long considering I actually like having my teeth cleaned. It all started in the beginning of my pregnancy. I didn't have a current dentist and therefore would need to have xrays taken anywhere I tried to go. I put it off for 9 months I an effort to protect little fetus Haley from the big bad outside world. Once Haley was born I immediately made an appointment with a local dentist for a cleaning. That guy turned out to be a quack. He said I needed to have some kind of deep cleaning that was going to cost me almost $800. He was out of his mind if he thought I might actually go through with it. For the next several months I was so frustrated with the situation that I just kept putting it off. Eventually, after my teeth began to grow fur, I decided I had to do something. I suckered my husband into getting copies of my xrays from the quack and got a second opinion. To wrap this up quickly I just had my teeth cleaned, plus some work done, for $80.00....and I have my next 6 month cleaning scheduled for September. Yea for no cavities!
1.a. The only draw back to my new destist office is that the dental hygenist has really large boobs and kept rubbing them on my face as she cleaned my teeth. So ackward!! On the plus side I am sure Justin's dental hygiene will improve greatly.
2. This weekend we attended a baby shower for my cousin Blake and his wife Amanda who are expecting their first son in July. The shower was at my parents house so once again we packed up the car and headed to Geronimo.To make the trip a little more interesting this time around we carpooled with CELG!!! Let's just say that four adults and three kids in car seats does not allow for much personal space in a Tahoe. Which is really weird because I always think it is so roomly when it is just Haley and I tooting around. Ha. In the end we all survived the trip and managed to not get in any fights. Phew.
3. Over the course of the week I did quite a few little craft projects: a sock monster, a tag blanket, some personalized blocks, etc.. They were all components to a diaper cake that Erin I made for previously mentioned baby shower. I don't want to toot my own horn but I think they turned out pretty cute. I will have a more detailed post later this week showing the finished products.
4. Who uses the word toot this many times (twice seems like alot for the word toot) in one post?!?! Apparently it must be my favorite word.
5. Haley added a new word to her vocabulary this week...."toot". Hahaha. Just kidding. She is saying "ball". It is the cutest word yet cause she does this crazy mouth pucker thing when she says it. She kind of pushes her lips out and up. I will have to try and get a pic. Oh, and she is walking. She can take about 4-5 steps in a row now all by herself. It is pretty sporadic and still not too often so I have decided to classify it as just semi-walking. My mommy instincts are tellnig me that we are within weeks of full on walking.
Check out the video below for footage of Haley semi-walking and her gnarly wipeout! Ouch!
4 Inch Snowfall in Pearland, Texas
8 hours ago
1 comment:
Another great blog from the blog master... Haley is such a cute little toot.. Love, Dad
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