Sunday, May 16, 2010

Random Roundup

1. We went straight from walking to gymnastics. Haha. Check out Haley on the trampoline. She loved it. I felt bad for the other kiddos waiting in line for their turn cause she wasn't about to stop without a tantrum. Haha.

2. For anyone who missed my only post all week...I cheated and linked to my sister. It was a bad week.

3. Haley has added the following words (or some variation) to her growing vocabulary:

moo (like a cow)

In case anyone was wondering...I think she is amazing! She has also become really good at pointing. I think we might have been a little behind on this accomplishment but that is only because I didn't know she should have been doing it. I really need to read more books about how to be a mommy, maybe something with a checklist. Haha.

4. Justin went fishing twice this weekend. No luck on the fish but I think he had a pretty good time. He went out in the kayak on Saturday and then wade fishing on Sunday.

Big shocker alert...I am already tired of fishing season.

5. We cleaned the garage this weekend. Of all the rooms in the house this one really is our catch all. It is a room always in limbo...stuff to go to the attic, projects we are working on, Justin's fishing gear. It seems like we give it a good thorough cleaning about every 3 months or so. The big difference about this time was that we made room for my car. I get to park inside now! I am so excited! Yeah for me!

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