Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Comfort Blanket Gone...The New Me!

I have never really been one for getting my hair cut. I would actually say I have a fear of hair change. I have had the same "style" for at least the last ten years with only a few variations in length from time to time. Typically I grow my hair out super long and let it get pretty ratty and unruly and then I go in for a trim (6-8 inches or so). My last trim had been an entire year ago (when I was home on maternity leave last April) so you can imagine it was pretty bad!! 

If I had to pin point the creation of my hair fear I would say it stems from my junior high years. I was cursed with an unfortunately horrible haircut during the height of puberty: thick coarse hair, a salon perm, and a way too short haircut. I looked like a mushroom!

Back to the present...I decided last week to make an appointment to get a new do. I have often dreamed of having stylish, short hair but I always convince myself in the end to go with what is safe. This time I broke free of my hair shackles and made a prettty big change (for me). It may not be the epitome of style just yet but baby steps are my preferred method of change. Maybe next time I will get a bob! Ha...I doubt it.

If you were wondering why It from the Adam's family was visiting our home I should clarify that this is in fact me pre-hair cut! What a rats nest!

I feel so much lighter! I think the scale actually read a 5 lb loss. Hahaha. Only kidding. Please disregard my odd stare and forced smile...I was still in a little bit of a panic at this point.


Kara said...

I love it!!! It looks awesome!

Erin said...

I love it too... It looks so great!

I lived with the mushroom do also. I think there are pictures out there that will haunt me for a lifetime!

Bill said...

I love it too! Just remember that when I'm old and needy that I had nothing to do with that Jr High haircut... Love, Dad