Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Very Own, Real Life, Cowboy!!

For the wedding Justin had to get decked out in full cowboy gear: western jacket, bollo tie, cowboy hat, and horse...just kidding about the horse. He was so handsome! The only drawback was that most people didn't recognize him; Literally his grandpa walked right by him.
Chad and Lexi tied the knot in Alliance Nebraska at the Sunken Gardens in Central Park. It was a lovely spot with all the flowers in full bloom. There were white arbors on either side of the garden where some guests stood to watch the ceremony.

After the ceremony we headed back to Hemingford for the reception at the fairgrounds. The hall, which I helped to decorate, was full of family and friends.They even had a live band which gave us plenty of chances to wear in Justin's new boots. We closed the party down around 2:00 in the morning. It was a great evening which I am sure we will all remember for quite a while.

Congrats to Chad and Lexi - We wish you guys a lifetime of happiness!!


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the new posts. You have to teach me how to blog. "Can't wait to see more pics this weekend" Love, Dad

Erin said...

Yeee-haw.... I didn't recognize Justin either, I thought they had George Strait at the wedding :)