Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Last Ultrasound

Almost two weeks ago Justin and I had our final ultrasound. I blogged about it back then but am just now got around to posting the pic. This is the last photo of baby Buskirk that we will have until she comes into the world.
Only 16 weeks to go!!

Another update...she has official become the equivalent of an eggplant.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bedding Update - I have lost it!!

It is officially...I am the most indecisive person in the world. I always knew I wasn't good at making big decisions but it seems that pregnancy has moved me to a whole new level. I can no longer make simple decisions as to what to have for lunch or even what clothes to wear to work. It is actually becoming some what of a bother.

After several days of staring at my chosen bedding laid out in the baby's room I decided that I no longer liked it. I decided the pallet of red and pink did not allow for me to add many other colors and I felt trapped!! After panicking for a few days I returned it and began the search again. This time I think I have found the perfect one...or so I hope. It was a little more expensive but in my mind it is a small price to pay for the happiness of our first born. I also think it fits our style quite a bit better.
What do you think? I feel it is still girly while incorporating a lot of different colors - think of all the possibilities I now have for wall colors...stay tuned for that debacle. Do you all think I am crazy?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Red or Pink

I debated with myself for a long time over what color to go with in the baby's room: red or pink? I am not a very girlie girl so pink almost seemed too much for me and the only red options I could find were ladybugs. I was going to go with the red but was never able to decide on a bedding set that I liked. However this weekend, with the help of my sister (and Lucy and Grace), I decided on a middle ground with a blend of the two. Check it out:

It is a pretty and simple pattern with a mix of red and pink cherry blossoms with hints of green and brown in the details. I bought the bedding only and plan on accessorizing with some of my own touches. I haven't decided on a wall color just yet but maybe by the end of the week I will have a project lined up for Justin. I do like the chair rail look that they used in this mock up but we will just have to wait and see.

The furniture came in this past Friday! Justin and I put it together this weekend and it would have only taken use about 20 minutes to assembly if I just would have read the instructions correctly the first go round. Thanks goodness for having the mommy mush brain excuse.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Last Ultrasound

We have been so blessed up to the point with pictures of baby Buskirk. It seemed like every appointment I went in for they were doing another ultrasound...either for a legitimate reason or just to appease me for a long delay in the waiting room. Regardless, I had become accustomed to seeing her once a month. This past Saturday Justin and I went in to meet with the technician one last time to get some pics she missed on the last go round. It was very exciting, and a little sad, since I have a feeling that will be the last time we see her before she makes her grand entrance in less than 4 months!

Also, if Saturday's appointment was any idication of what is to come with parenthood then Justin and I better prepare ourselves; she was wiggling and and moving constantly. The tech barely had a chance to get the pics she needed. To be quite honest I can't blame it all on the baby...I had a super sweet, super sugary, cinnamon roll for breakfast. Apparently she is going to take after both her parents with an intense afflicition for sweets.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Battle of the Natural Disasters

We thought hurricane Ike was bad...

...Hemingford got hit with a major blizzard yesterday! From what Dean and Sonya tell us it was pretty wild. Visibility was about 10 ft at the peak of the storm and they got over a foot of snow. Thankfully everyone was able to stay safe and keep warm. The only upside to blizzards (for those who are not living through them) is the beautiful pictures they produce. It is like a winter wonderland...hard to imagine when I am still wearing shorts and flip flops.

That reminds me, I need to register for a baby snow suit!

Thanks Shelley for sharing the great pics.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

No Longer Just Fruit Salad

This month (weeks 21-24) we have moved up from basic fruit salad ingredients to something much more substantial all on its own...the papaya. Baby Buskirk should be over a pound in weight now and she has grown to almost 12 inches long. She is doing some major growing and my belly is the visible proof. It feels as though everyday I can see a little change. Also, I am experiencing my first side effect of pregnancy - swelling ankles and hands. I have had to retire the Aggie ring for now since it just gets too uncomfortable but I am still squeezing into my wedding ring even though I have a back up ready and waiting (thanks Honey!).

Only 4 months to go!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mommy wagon...I think not!

Justin finally convinced me to bite the bullet and buy a new vehicle. I am not sure what has happened in my old age but I have become ridiculously frugal and the thought of actually having a car payment was making me queasy. However we decided that for the safety (and style) of our rapidly approaching baby to just go for it. We went back and forth for a while on what to get but ended up purchasing a 2008 Tahoe. What in the world was I waiting for?!?! I absolutely love it and fear that I will never be able to turn back to the time before the SUV. However I do feel slightly silly driving around this mammoth of a vehicle with no one in it but myself...for the time being.