Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mommy wagon...I think not!

Justin finally convinced me to bite the bullet and buy a new vehicle. I am not sure what has happened in my old age but I have become ridiculously frugal and the thought of actually having a car payment was making me queasy. However we decided that for the safety (and style) of our rapidly approaching baby to just go for it. We went back and forth for a while on what to get but ended up purchasing a 2008 Tahoe. What in the world was I waiting for?!?! I absolutely love it and fear that I will never be able to turn back to the time before the SUV. However I do feel slightly silly driving around this mammoth of a vehicle with no one in it but myself...for the time being.


Jill said...


Erin said...

Welcome to the REAL world!

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing wife and will be the best mommy in the world. You deserve a nice car to drive. Can't wait until our baby is in the back seat.

Love you,
