Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Handy Husband

A few weeks ago Justin and I decided to take the leap into the world of current technology. This may be hard to believe but I was the instigator of this update. I think Justin had a secret love affair going with our old projection tv and therefore didn't want to let her go. Ha. Anyway, we decided to move her out and move in a new sleek flat screen. I can't believe we didn't do it sooner. It is like a whole new world has opened up to us. We are literally seeing things clearly now. With the new addition our old media tower/cabinet just wasn't doing the trick. Insert my great idea for Justin to build us a new media console and the next day we were happily shopping at Home Depot for all the required items. The way I decided what Justin was going to build...simply searching through the Pottery Barn magazine! Here is their version...
Andover Media Console - Weathered Walnut finish 
Here is our version...
I love the way it turned out. It looks amazing. I am super impressed with Justin's mad woodworking skills and am already coming up with a list of other things for him to build for me. Unfortunately I didn't get very good pictures cause I had to use my flash but I will put up more later. Now I just need a bigger house to fit all this awesomeness in! My husband is super handy and I think I will keep him least until the new Pottery Barn catalog comes out. :)


bill evans said...

What a great job! Pottery barn has competition...

Kara said...

I'm impressed! Looks great.