Monday, February 16, 2009

My Civic Duty

At first I thought the worse possible scenario of going into labor would be my water breaking at work but I have reevaluated and now I think it would definitely be much worse if it happens in a jurors box. I got called for jury duty to begin tomorrow morning. I am not sure how the summons process goes but I don't think their timing could be any worse. Chances are I will not be selected since I could literally go into labor at any minute. This bums me out a little since I have never been called for jury duty before and thought it would be quite interesting to get to sit through a trial. I guess there is always next time. Justin got called too but he is going to have to get his postponed.

Do you think this is a sign that maybe some day Haley will go into the field of law?

1 comment:

Melisa said...

how are you feeling? how much longer? i keep checking for a picture of a baby but nothing sure you keep everyone in blog world updated!