Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Random Roundup - Better Late Than Never

The drawback, or the bonus depending on how you look at it, of posting late is that I forgot all the small details and was only able to come up with 2 items.

1. To celebrate Labor Day we decided (no surprise) to host a BBQ. All the regulars showed up and we had a grand ole time. Justin made ribs, I contributed macaroni & cheese, and everyone else brought the goods...pasta salad, Texas sheet cake, fruit pizza, and cookies all the way from Italy. Yummy, yummy, yummy!

2. We have been on a movie kick lately trying to make up for lost time and lost Netflix dollars. We watched two movies over the weekend and were pleasantly pleased with both.

Movie: The Proposal
Buskirk Review: 4 stars

Movie: Funny People
Buskirk Review: 3 3/4 stars (we were really torn on this one)

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