Thursday, October 28, 2010

Baby Update

Today Justin and I had our big 20 week ultrasound and it looks like everything is on target.  The baby is already weighing 8 oz and was super active during our appointment. I didn't realize until I started this post that I hadn't yet mentioned that our new little bundle is going to be a boy! When we found out a few weeks ago I was both excited and nervous. Having a boy is like starting over from scratch as a parent. I have no idea what boys like or how to care for them...I understand that general care is the same for both sexes but I was quickly made aware of a few drastic differences by fellow mothers of boys. My plan is to just turn him over to Justin. Haha. Can I just tell you that Justin was ecstatic? I think at the very moment the u/s tech pointed out the extra appendage I saw a glimmer of hope appear in Justin's eye for a future Husker quarterback in the family. I am just glad to lessen my stress for keeping the Buskirk name going. :)

1 comment:

Melisa said...

Congrats a growing a healthy baby boy! He will be a wondeful addition to your family.