Monday, April 12, 2010

Random Roundup

1. I apologize to the readers out there with weak stomachs since this blog is becoming somewhat gross. Last week I talked about vomit and this week it is road kill. I apologize however I just couldn't resist sharing. Monday I was driving home from work when I happened upon some uncommon road kill for the Pearland area. It was a "little armored one" (aka an armadillo). It would have been way cooler if it was still living but still an interesting sight.
Fun fact: the armadillo is the official mammal of Texas.

2. I had taken a little siesta from working out for the past 2 weeks but starting Tuesday I was back on the band wagon. The first night was a little rough but I made it through. To be quite honest I had gotten slightly disillusioned by my minute weight loss and had lost sight of my goal. The reason for my renewed devotion to weight loss...we booked flights to Nebraska for Justin's high school reunion in May. I have got to look my best. Justin has a reputation to uphold. Hahaha.

3. This weekend I made french dip sandwiches. They are one of Justin's favorites and I felt like being a loving, sweet wife. Anyway, I got the receipe here. It was pretty tasty. There are tons of recipes out there in blogland and I am loving trying them. So far they have all been pretty good but with my luck I am bound to get a food poisoning dud before too long. Ha. I also made a yummy pudding dessert but I will have an entire post on that one later.

4. Justin and I finally got around to doing yard work this Saturday. We did not get it entirely finished (we ran out of sod and the nursery was sold out for the weekend) however it is already looking amazingly better. I planted some new flowers in the beds and planted seeds in a bunch of pots. I really haven't had much luck growing flowers from seeds but we will see how it goes. I will keep ya'll posted. 

5. Haley's newest fascination is not with walking (still not there yet) but rather with sitting in chairs. She has no reservations. She will climb into anything that she can pull herself into. This weekend she sampled the seats of her toddler rocker, mommy's glider, daddy's recliner, the couch, and even a dining room chair. The last one was a bit scary since it has no arm rest and it is over tile!!! What kind of mom am I!?! She has even learned how to dive head first into her wagon so that she can just sit in the seat. You would think with all her MacGyver-esque maneuvering to get into a chair she would be able to walk!!!  

1 comment:

Bill said...

These random thoughts that you throw out are so entertaining...I know that I have said it before but it bears have a special talent for writing.

Love, Dad