Thursday, October 23, 2008

Soccer Player

Baby girl Buskirk made herself more known to me this past weekend when she decided to have her "kicking out" party Sunday morning. I woke up to what felt like butterflies in my belly - like she was just fluttering around in there. It is a really strange feeling when it happens for the first time and you realize that it is not just gas! Every since Sunday she seems to be getting more active. I feel her multiple times throughout the day and each time I smile and rub my belly. I am sure my coworkers think I have lost my mind. Justin tries every night to feel her move, and I think a time or two he might have, but nothing that he can be sure of yet. I have no doubt that in a few weeks there will be no question in his mind. So far she has been most active right after dinner when we watch TV. Tonight is "The Office" so hopefully I will feel her rolling around in there from laughter! Like mother like daughter - I love that show!

For my niece Lucy...Baby Buskirk is officially a banana!


Erin said...

Lucy wants to know if she is invited to the party....

Jill said...

That is the best feeling in the world... until you realize she is kicking your bladder :)

Anonymous said...

Sara you are so cute!
Just wait once you are 8/9 months prego you will be able to feel her whole foot on your tummy.. I am so happy for you guys!