Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Hunter and Gatherer

The post is way over due however I am going with the philosophy of "better late then never". Justin went kayak fishing with Chris last Sunday out in the bay and actually had a pretty good day. I will just go ahead and give the man details as given by Justin since I really have no idea about fish.

  • 22" trout

  • 16" flounder 
Haley was fascinated with the fish and was constantly trying to grab them. It wasn't until she actually felt the slim that her interested waned.
Monday night Justin and I fried up the flounder for dinner along with some yummy hush puppies (Haley had fries). We wre both quite pleased with the result and may actually have to revoke our claim of not liking sea food.

1 comment:

Bill said...

I love the title... Justin is getting to be quite the fisherman... I hope that I'll be able to get away more this summer so I can give him a few more lessons. I love it that Haley is curious about fishing.. Watch-out... I see a future fishing tournament champion. Dad