Sunday, May 9, 2010

Random Roundup

1. Haley had her very first homework assignment due this week. I was actually quite flabbergasted when it came home with Justin since I wasn't aware that she would have after hours work to complete. I may be exaggerating just a little considering it was just a all about me poster but still. It was basically just a list of questions that Justin and I had to fill out and send back to school. The reason I am writing about it is because I found some of the questions to be quite ridiculous since she is only 14 months old. Here are the questions and Haley's (my) answers.

Your Name: Haley Kate Buskirk
Your Age: One
Favorite Food: Cheese
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Animal: Duck
What do you look like: picture
Your family: picture
Your favorite place: home
Your favorite thing to do: play outside
**What you want to be when you grow up: zookeeper**ridiculous
**If you could have one wish what would it be: more toys**even more ridiculous

Those last two were the real doozies. I was stumped for days about what to write and hated my answers as soon as I wrote them. I tried to be as generic as possible so it wouldn't come back to bite me years from now when she is a teenager.

2. Saturday morning Erin and I ran in the Pearland Pearun 5K. I was quite impressed with myself (not to sound conceited) because I was able to cut 7 minutes from my last race and I ran the entire way without stopping. Yea me! There is still tons of room for improvement but 31 minutes and 24 seconds isn't too bad. I was actually 6th place out of 28 ladies in my age division.

We have another race on the schedule in two weeks and I am going to try and get down to 30 minutes. Wish me luck.

3. Happy Mommy's Day to me. I got to sleep late! I got to eat pancakes! I got a pedicure! I got speakers for my iPhone. I had a wonderful mother's day ever!

4. Saturday I spent the day picking strawberries and making jam with my mom, Erin, and Agata. We had a wonderful day and have some delicious strawberry jam to show for it. It was so much fun that we are thing of making a family tradition out of it. I have an entire blog coming up this week with more details and some yummy pictures so stay tuned.

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